Fentanyl Test strip guide
Click on the arrows below the images to scroll through and follow the steps for testing your supply for Fentanyl or its street name “Fetty”.
A copy of the text within the picture is available below each image!
Check out the image at the bottom of this page for methamphetamine testing instructions!
Created by SUNAR (2023) based on materials on the BTNX website. For more info, please see https://www.btnx.com/

This is a demonstration on how to use the Rapid Response Fentanyl Test Strip.

NOTE: Humidity and temperature can affect results. DO NOT USE after expiration date printed on the back of the pouch. DO NOT USE the test if the pouch is damaged.

Materials provided: Test Strip

Materials required but not provided are: Scoop, 5ml measuring spoon, clean container (a stericup works great!) and a timer (Phone timer for example.)

Important: Let the test come to room temperature before use!

Add 5 ml (1 teaspoon) of water to a clean container.

When you're ready to begin the test, dilute the drug in water. The next steps have further information on this step.

Add 5- 10 mg of drug sample to the container with 5ml of water. *Drug amount is roughly the size of a Q-tip head.

Mix the drug in the water until it is completely dissolved.

Refer to the advice of your local public health or harm reduction authority on how much water and drug sample you should use.

When you are prepared to use the test, open the pouch.

Remove the test strip, holding the strip on the colored end where "FYL" is written. DO NOT TOUCH THE WHITE SECTION OF THE STRIP!

Dip the test strip into the sample liquid.

Immerse the strip within the wavy lines. DO NOT DIP PAST THE SOLID MAX LINE.

Hold the strip in the sample for 10-15 seconds.

Remove the strip from the sample.

Place the strip on a non- absorbent flat surface.

Set a timer for 5 minutes, check your results. DO NOT READ RESULTS AFTER 10 MINUTES

Results interpretations are on the back of the pouch the test came in.

POSITIVE RESULT: Fentanyl was detected in your sample. Only one colored band appears, in the control region (C). No colored band appears in the test region (T).

NEGATIVE RESULT: Fentanyl could not be detected in your sample. Two colored bands appear on the membrane. One band appears in the control region(c), and another band appears in the test region (T).

INVALID RESULT: The test has not performed correctly. The control band (C) fails to appear. Ensure you have waited the full five minutes after performing a test. Results from any test which has not produced a control band at the specified read time must be discarded. Please review the procedure and repeat with a new test. If the problem persists, discontinues using the kit immediately and contact your local distributor.

INVALID RESULT: The test has not performed correctly. The control band (C) fails to appear. Ensure you have waited the full five minutes after performing the test. Results from any test which has not produced a control band at the specified read time must be discarded. Please review the procedure and repeat with a new test. If the problem persists discontinue using the kit immediately and contact your local distributor.

After you have finished testing, throw the used test materials in the trash.